Website Design


Role: UI Designer | Junior Art Director
Timeline: 4 Months
Tools: Sketch App, Photoshop, Illustrator, InVision
Goal: Designing a responsive 60 page website. This includes wire-frames, site structure and UX strategy. Sourcing over 200 images to represent the lifestyle imagery and brand. Project management and full collaboration with client, accounts and the development team.

Client: East Penn Canada
Status: Currently staging and going live


Desktop Experience.

Designing user flows for a large number of products while also highlighting their multiple applications. Sourcing and working with over 300+ lifestyle and product images. The aim was to execute a visually compelling product that is both simple, detailed, and an immersive experience.

Responsive Mobile Screens.

Planning and designing over 55 mobile screens with dense content, visuals and menus while maintaining a user friendly interface.


Branding Style Guide.

Developing a new style guide to reflect a refreshed brand and marketing campaign. This includes writing the context and design rules.